How Customer Stories are Published
The following information explains how Customer Stories are published on the website of a business.
There are three different types of pages
Engagement Page
Story Page
Facet Pages
Engagement Page
Each customer story has an entry on this page that identifies the customer name, date of the engagement and the main motivation for the purchase. Graphic thumbnails are used to reflect the different motivations.
When an entry is clicked, the website visitor will be taken to the Story Page.
Story Page
Details of the customer story along with the full Customer Story Video are presented at the top of Story Page. Key Findings and Full Transcript buttons also appear in this section of page so that the website visitor can easily view and/or print the information.
The next section of the Story Page is a list of all the facets that were discussed during the interview.
Whenever a facet entry is clicked the website visitor will take to that particular Facet Page
Facet Pages
Details of a particular facet of the customer story along with the facet’s Video Clip are presented at the top of Facet Page.
The next section of the Facet Page displays the Key Findings and the Transcript of the interview relating to this particular facet. The website visitor will select between the two tabs; Key Findings and Transcript.
Hot Start Links
Each Facet Video Clip has many timing starting points identified that correspond to key findings and to places in the transcript. A hot link will be available for each of these starting points.
When a link is selected, the Facet Video Clip will start playing at the proper starting point.